From SBM: Road Warrior
I am the one to be counted on
the road warrior of thousands of miles
if you need me
and I love you
I’m there
if you say it once
come here
I need the help
grief strapped to my back
back grief, a kind of heaviness
in your lower back cramping
of its processing
through your intestines
trying to crawl out your mouth
as acid re-flux.
I ate you, but you didn’t go away,
and still, I live with it
occupying my dinner table
and asking for a meal.
I have been strong so many times
I’m sick of it
sick of posturing
that I don’t feel anything.

Sarah Bellum Mental is a Write About Now virtual poet and originally from Chicago, Illinois. Now living in Houston she continues being a part of spoken word poetry. They performs poetry live to try to give a home for those who don't have a voice. They look to amplify her voice for those too scared to speak of what they've been through. To provide light in the darkness of living life at times. They focus her poetry on blended families and what the word family means. They also covers topics of mental health, self-harm, molestation, rape, and consent. Their first and second books can be bought on her website: https://sarahbellummental.com/pre-order-swallow-my-sparrow/
They are a 2021 WOWPS and Southern Fried Poetry Indie slam contender. SBM will be competing in WOWPS 2022 in Baltimore and in Slam Mania III with Write About Now Poetry, January 2022.
IG: SarahMentalPoet
Website: https://sarahbellummental.com